Wednesday, March 28, 2007

you can't trust a woman that doesn't have her voice on her voicemail.

Let's get this straight. I'm not saying this in response to me trying to get at a woman who didn't have her voice on her voicemail, she doing me dirty, and me coming up with concept.
I just have realized that the women I know, who has the computer voice on their voicemail, are sneaky and pretty much untrustworthy. It has to be a reason that they chose to do this. Most women do it, and secretly like to do so. It falls in the same category with writing their names over and over on a piece of paper, or dancing extra hard when they can see themselves in a mirror. I guess it feeds some internal narcissistic quality. Hearing their own voice, and then knowing other people will hear it.
I could attribute it to laziness, or not caring. I'm lazy at times, and I super don't care about things like that, but I still took out the time to set it up.

But those who don't. Eh. Something is up.
They don't want anything concrete, like a name attached to the number. Or something else equally as sneaky. No matter how you slice it,

Don't trust them.

Also, any dude who says "I'm gettin' my grown man on" is doing nothing of the sort.
Since when did grown men announce they were going to be grown?

If a man will put a ring in his mouth, he is liable to do anything.

If your a black man, and your going to wear a wallet chain, realize this. When I was coming up, only white kids that skateboarded, wore JNCO jeans, and wore AC/DC shirts wore them . So hell yea, I'm going to look at you funny. And shake my head. And they were attached to wallets, not two belt buckles. It's called a wallet chain for a good reason.

I'm through.