Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

house of the rising sun

the strip club.
a den of ill repute.
it has quickly become a place I appreciate. because it's the definition of 1:1. I want to see ass. and touch ass. If i have bread, I see and touch ass. the rap is icing, not cake. I talk because I want to. its not a necessity, I don't feel obligated. the whole of the transaction can be completed in silence. so the rap is unburdened. close to pure.

it is either the pinnacle or nadir of capitalism.
a middle aged square as four white man with open toed birkenstocks can get danger close conversation from a young woman whose only concern is to earn.

as long as he's spending. supply and demand. devoid of emotional currency, it is the free market.

Friday, July 27, 2012

we above I. part 1. (i wrote this awhile ago. never published)

writing is a perishable skill.

my life changed when i realized that it is always we above I. it's has to be for any semblance of living a life, and not merely drawing breath as a means of survival.

if we take the measure of the truly great heroes of our society, and any other, we see a commonality among them.
they put the needs, not the wants, of the we that surrounded them above the needs and wants of the I that was them.
i use was because in order to fully grasp the concept, the individual that they are ceased to exist, merged completely into the we.

the greatness of malcolm x. he took on the surname of x in an attempt to relieve himself of the slave name imposed upon his forefathers by their owners. however, as his life progress, i believe the x took on a unintended meaning. the x meant that he could have been anyone of us. his struggle became our's. ours became his. intertwined until all lines we're blurred to the point that we questioned the existence of the line in the first place.

as we change from I to we, everything about us changes. our mind changes, and in turn, our mouths. vocabulary is transformed, and as vocabulary is the pre-cursor to action, our actions and behaviors follow suit.

our ego is sacrificed for we realize that there is no one without two. no individuality without a community.

i used to be smart.

and then i stopped writing. words became harder to access. phrases became puerile. i lost, in some ways, my ability to communicate to the best of my ability. i stopped noticing the world through eyes that sought to not only understand, but to interpret. i chose easy, and received nothing. now, i'm choosing hard in hopes of making it easier.