Sunday, October 23, 2005


photographs are ways to caputure beautiful moments in time. Because in this life, our focus is so much on the negativity that surrounds us, life's joyous moments often times become very fleeting in our memories. Pictures help us to take hold of those moments in life that give reason to why we live, and make them permenant fixtures in our minds and hearts. I envy dancers, and all those who are artistically inclined. One of my biggest fears is to work doing something I do not love to do for the rest of my life. I look at dancers, artists, actors, musicians with admiration. They have chosen to take a path that unless you become successful, is not rife with abundant material success. Being an artist will never be looked at with the same esteem as being a doctor, unless you become famous. They do it for the love, for the feeling that doing these things give meaning to their existance. It makes them one step closer to being the persons god meant for them to be, because they are doing what they were put here to do. A telemarketer cannot make that same claim. People often hide behind the concept of "doing what they have to do to survive". How are you then different from a hooker who makes the same claim? We all have to do things in order to reach our goals, but in that, never lose sight of the goal that will bring you happiness. On a side note, I heard a young lady ask a guy why does he bring women to his apartment to chill if he's not at the end of the night having sex with them? For this to come from a guy, ok. but a woman? Break out the confetti and the doves, this is the crowning moment of the 2k5 Woman. The hope for redemption is running out.

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