Tuesday, November 01, 2005

everyone should be a bit more like dev.

I was watching Any Given Sunday, and for some reason I began to think about a friend of mine. Devin Heatley. Now, I'm not going to give much backstory. We went to Oberlin together. There is a theme in the movie of unselfishness, the key to being a successful team. When I thought of that, I thought of Dev. Not once can I remember him complaining about the things that went on in his life, and he most certainly did not let it reflect in the way he lived his life. He had to get his knee drained every week, and because of his injury, he couldn't play football, something he loved to do. Something was always wrong with his car. As with any human being, something was always wrong, things to complain about, things to act out about, be upset, angry, moody, stubborn...all of the emotions attached with the human condition. Most of the time, you would never know. He was still Dev. Willing to give you a ride anywhere his car could take you. Talking shit from "caint see at morning to caint see at night". Making "commercials" to pursue his career in advertising. Still always Dev. Ready to listen. Unselfish. I think that was the lesson he was put here to teach those people in his life. For if he let these small problems sour his mood, he would be unable to be Dev, and teach that lesson. It is a lesson that I'm still trying to learn. Being selfish is one of the most detrimental qualities to possess. It makes it hard to have meaningful, healthy relationships with people. It closes your eyes to the biggest action that brings us closer to being who we were meant to be: sacrifice. If you know Devin, look closely. And learn. If you don't, then look at me. I'm trying to follow the blueprint. If you have a Dev in your life, be appreciative for the blessing. Thank you The Dude. (if you read this dev, you can save your laughter for later...bastard)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAYE!!! I love Devin. Yeah, he might laugh at you and call you soft for writing this but I think secretly it will mean a lot to him. It's something he needs to hear.