Monday, February 06, 2006

the dream merchant.

selling dreams is an artform. and I truly believe people are honing this craft by practicing on me. people sell me all types of dreams these days.

you might be wondering, "how can a person sell a dream?". well, my friend, let me explain.

dream sales normally take place between two people that are more than strangers. friends are usually the culprits, sad to say. a friend comes to you and tells you something, with passion. and not only with passion, with desire and conviction. it is more than a mere statement, it is a statement with recommendations from your favorite high school teacher. a statement with good references, and a clean background check. it has now transcended statement-hood, and metamorphsised into a dream. and you believe in this dream. not just because of the recommendations or references, but because they are your friend. you now believe it with the same passion and conviction that they possesed when they told you. you may even invest in the dream by offering them advice. heartfelt advice. and you walk away feeling pretty good. the sale of the dream has been completed.
not too malicious you may say. even uplifting. positive. heartwarming. sure. i agree. however the thing about dreams is that eventually, we like them to become reality. what did say about a dream deferred? nothing good. it begins with it drying up, and ends with it exploding.

you wait, and wait for your friends dream. let me take that back. you wait for you and your friends dream to come to fruition. and you wait, and it never does. your friend has completely renigned on the dream. it will never come to life, and part of you thinks that it was never meant to.

i'm your homeboy, so i'm going to keep copping. but at least boost the quality people.

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