Friday, May 02, 2008

attack of the remedial cretins.

we are suffering by lumping all women together. the good ones are suffering as a result of their numbskull brethren. i mean all women got some shit with them that is just intrinsic to women. can't take that away without also stripping them of their womanhood. Women are going to be a little manipulative, a little selfish. i can understand that. being a bit manipulative is how that woman that you never knew got you to huff that t.v. into her car, or change that tire. how she got you watch "p.s., i love you". i don't knock women for that.
no, your not going to find the woman worth her salt that's cool with you going out every weekend and not coming home, or having 17 female friends. or loves beer (even though thats changing), cause they don't love lager induced guts built for body shots.

but that doesn't mean their not good. just means:

1) they are human.
2) they are not dudes.
3) they have some sense.

but these other ones. yeah, we have to exile them. what's happening is they are ruining the definition of what a woman really is. we take all their loathsome qualities and traits and dump them into the definition, and then lie to ourselves and say it applies to all women generally. it is a transgression. now we hold women to a miserably low standard, allowing the degenerates to be no better than they are.

let me say again. there are some things that us men do not understand or like that most all women will bring to the table. can't duck that. excessive beer and the late night swine laced cheese-steak is going to make for a mess the next day. can't duck that.

but some other shit, nah champ. it aint all of them. people try to tell me that it is. shit, i hope not. maybe it's just that one sneaky tramp. or herd of sneaky trampers. maybe its just your slum broad. but i am going to tell you this:

i am tired of dumb ass women.

and it took me a long time to get to the point where i was using that benign designation for these scallywags instead the infinitely more ignorant tag i was tossing around. dumb ass women who like dumb ass shit, and do dumb ass things. how do you spend your time, you knucklehead? it can't be reading, because you never tell me of any books you read, or never put me on to anything to read. nor it eating decent food because you eat at TGI Friday's, the cheesecake factory, ruby tuesday's and any other god-awful chain restaurant like you have an endorsement deal. maybe you spend your time pursuing fashion, perusing fine catalogs filled with designer names and imported fabrics. but past bebe, all the names are pretty much foreign to you, and cotton, or polyester, as long as it's tight, short, and shows crack on your chest like you got an ass on it, you're money. maybe you travel, jaunt around the world, absorbing culture and taking in all this life has to offer. miami, vegas, cancun and black bike week must be fucking cultural hotbeds, you halfwitted numbskull.

(forreal though...who are you fooling? we know what the business is as soon as we hear the destination. sure to come back a little lighter in the soul department. )

people respect people who have worked on their bodies. gone to the gym, got in shape with a brand new build to show for it. it shows discipline and dedication. why don't people treat their minds the same way? school doesn't save you by itself. you have to work on your mind, introduce it to new ideas, try different things. read a real book, listen to real music. travel to places not normally traveled to. the things expose yourself to expand you as a person, expand the realm of things you can discuss, and broaden your interests. you become a better person. if not, how are you spending your time? malls, clubs and cancun do not have the same effect.

i can hear you now:
1) "how did you become the expert on things that are "worthy"?" "just because you don't like it, doesn't mean i can't or shouldn't."

yeah, i've heard the argument. maybe i'm not an expert, but i'm in the gym everyday trying to make this brain of mine stronger. i'm around people who do the same. and i do know the type of people who are a result of all those actions whose stupidity i alluded to above. i know that i don't want to be around these people for any extended period of time. we don't have conversations, because you don't know shit. what can you recommend to me? we can't even do something as simple as watch t.v. because the minute you get the remote, i'll be watching a non-stop stream of music videos and reality shows. thats the 2008 lobotomy.

what can i learn from you, if you aint even trying to learn?

2) "what about stupid guys? i know plenty of guys that don't read, don't know anything besides madden and bars, etc... i'm tired of stupid guys, why don't you talk about that?"

you know whose a potential mother and wife for me and my homeboys? women. you know whose not? men. so honestly, i care more about the female side. and if you want to address it, write about it.

i don't know how to talk to a woman about this without her getting pissed, or tearing her self-esteem apart. i don't mind her getting mad, but i'm not trying to down or degrade her. all i can do is to congratulate the women who are trying to get it right. trying to become better and hope you help your homegirls who are slacking like the loosest of rope.

i pray that i don't somehow have a child with one of these women, cause i've put them 10 steps behind, being into a mental prison. my pops always use to tell me "whatever you do, please marry a smart woman." now i understand why. he wasn't talking degreed-up smarts, high SAT smart. he meant a woman who was cognizant of the world around her, and asks questions about it. who tries, tries to...i don't know, who tries.

get your mind right.

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