Friday, August 25, 2006


Most people are extremely selfish. I would say 97% of the world's population, which translates to almost everyone I know. Even people I love. Even those people who say they love me as well. People that say they love you. But, then again, more than likely, you are saddled up with that 97 out of a 100. Heavy.
Selfishness now has become a virtue. Ayn Rand would celebrate this fact. And at one point, I would have agreed. It's necessary to look out for yourself. Take care of yourself. Treat yourself. Have "me" time.


It's hard to see people's selfish ways in this day, and at this particular time. We have been so neglected, passed over and depressed that small tokens of gratitude are amplified to gargantuan proportions. We want so badly to be surrounded in the shroud of selflessness, protected by it, sustained by it. As with many things that fall under the category of intrinsic human needs, the definition has been perverted. Perverted because the need to have it in any capacity has been far outweighed for the need of it to be true and legitimate.

Take love for example.

An intrinsic human need. As essential as sleep, water, and shade on a hot day. We need it so badly that we often take poor substitutes than to be without it at all. Eating a 7-11 doughnut when you really want a Cinnabon. At least its sweet. Because so many people accept these poor substitutes, the definition of love has changed. No longer rooted in sacrifice, no longer fed by empathy. What makes this so dangerous is that it isn't a want, but a need. You can do with out sugar, but not true love. So where as that doughnut will suffice, piss-poor love will not. It ruins people. This is bigger than intimate relationships.
Now the definition has changed. Pretty much anything that doesn't involve hospitalizing someone can fall under the umbrella of true, you-don't-know-her-like-i-do-momma, love. Pretty damn sad.

Selfish. It can manifest itself in so many ways. So many, that I rather not even get into it. It's better to know something by what it is, and not what it isn't.

giving when not giving is not only easier, but better for your own well being.

Jesus on the cross.
Your mother having you.

People get so gassed by the small things. And it's ruining the definition. Giving is more than material. The pilgrims gave the indians firewater, shiny beads, and diseased blankets. Its more than presents, dinners, sneakers, hugs, flowers, clothes and sex. The most important things that we are given are often things we cannot see, touch or use.

God has to smile when we give apart of ourselves. To someone. To the world.
Often times, it hurts. Sacrifice always does.
But, it never fades. Never leaves. Not transient, but eternal.

It's the only gift that keeps on giving.

So. Give.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you-don't-know-her-like-i-do-momma, love? what am I gonna do with you??