Thursday, September 22, 2005

the devil's daughter

Now, believe me, I know this seems weird. For one, I just posted yesterday and one look at the title will make the average person say "Huh?". But hear me out and let me share a dream I have just awoken from. Okay, I was in a college dorm room with some people, I have no idea who they were and these two women were dancing in the middle of the room with each other. Curiosity struck me, and I asked who they were. The one in the front stated as plain as day, that she was the devil's daughter. Okay, the girl child of satan? I was skeptical. So, a decision I would later regret, I asked her how did I know it was her? So, while still grinding on this girl, she casually looked over and showed me herself. It was a slow change, but as the seconds passed, I can't explain what I saw. All I can tell you that it was horrible, and I really do wish I had taken her word for it. The rest of the dream happened like a movie, but I only remember a few key moments. So now I was in this dorm room with the devil's daughter, with her human facade, for 3 days. During this time period she tempted me, tried kissing on me and such (I mean, come on, she showed me what was beneath that pretty mask, and it wasn't sugar and spice), offering me material goods (new shoes as far as the eye could see)which I resisted. It felt like she cursed me when ever I turned it down, for I became deathly ill, and I entered a mode of never ceasing prayer. People were there helping me with my symptoms, but I could never focus on the faces...except for one: Elias Rodriguez, a guy I met at my job this summer. She would come back to the room and just talk, trying to tear me down I suppose. On the last day, I was in a dining hall all of a sudden, me and one end, and dd (I abbreviated it) at the other. She was reading a book about us, all about us, from our history to our biology. I asked her if she knew much about us, and she said no, she knew some, but she was coming here to learn more. Then she dissapeared without a trace. Then I was watching a movie of a party. Young black people gone wild, I mean, this party was bananas. All kinds of thing were going on. I started to intently watch this movie, and focus in on certain...acts. The second I did, I felt a light scratch on my arm. Then I woke up. That was my wake up call. Even if it was not divine inspiration that caused that dream, and it was my own guilty sub-concious, it was enough. It's time for me to do what I know I should have done a long time ago, stop playing and live for God. Read his word, pray constantly, turn away from sin at all costs, and live the life God has set forth for me. Because, it getting that bad, no more room for straddling the fence. God needs his people more than ever. Just open your eyes and look around and you'll know why. The movie at the end I believe was to show how easily it is to slip right back into temptation.The fuuny thing about the devil (and his daughter, who would have known) is that at first, they don't seem horrible. She wasn't the most outwardly evil person in the world( I've met meaner people right her on earth) during her temptation stage. But when I resisted, jeez, things got super ugly. This isn't to convert anyone or make anyone feel guilty, this is the path that I have to walk. Just wanted to let you know, so you can pray for me. And if you care for me, hold me accountable, check me, and please do not bring temptation to my doorstep. I'm not trying to get visited again by the anti-dime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for you. Your words are inspiring. It's touching to hear your spirit speak. I feel blessed reading your words.