Tuesday, September 20, 2005

freedom isn't free

Last night, I was confronted with the first circumstance where a person that wasn't black called me a nigger. And a porch-monkey, eastside porch monkey to be exact. The 2 minute version of the situation: my people ordered a pizza to be delivered, and 1.5 hours later, no pizza. Then they called for order to be cancelled. Somehow, this never was relayed to the delivery driver, who called to say that he was outside with the pizza. My friends then told the delivery driver that the order was cancelled a hour ago. We continue about our evening, when around 2am, the pizza shop (PIZZAN'S to be exact) called my friend phone, calling him all kinds of niggers, porch monkey, trying to set up a "rumble" where he would "bust our nigger heads". Now a part of my wanted to take him up on this offer, meet him and settle this phyiscally. But, I knew how this story ended, some black male sitting in jail. So I did what white people have been doing for years, I called the damn police. While the police were in the apartment, the pizza shop called back, so the police were able to hear first hand his comments. Now, I know the police probably didn't lock him up, because people look out for their own. The police still are not friends of the underrepresented, and I do not expect this to change. But now, we have a police report, which can be made into flyers, with irrefutable evidence of his racism. No "there go those black pulling the race card again", we have proof now. Now its time to sacrifice. It would be easier to let this slide, write it off and move on. But freedom isn't free. It requires time, effort, energy, and often times blod and tears. All of which I am willing to sacrifice. It's time to stand up and ride for the causes important to us. Force people to take notice of the injustices around us AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. No more talk. Can't talk your way into freedom...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I decided I wanted to be your first, legitimate, comment (what's up with these people faking like they're leaving comments when in fact they are just advertising. Find a way to report them okay?? I feel like my thoughts are being devalued.) Anyway, this posting brought a tear to my eye and you know what a hard ass I am. But for real, I'm sorry you had to through that but I'm proud of the way you handled it. You've come so far B.