Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"nobody wants to be a junkie when they grow up" part deux

There is a segment of our society that undervalued and underappreciated, exploited and abused on a daily basis. Their constitutional are constantly under duress, teetering on the edge of non-existence. Most do nothing to protect their rights; for they feel as a result of their actions, they have reneged on any claim to enjoy the rights guaranteed to them by the constitution. These are the convicted felons of our society. Now, I have to check myself and not go off on this tangent about the prison system, and the inherent inequality of our judicial system.
The main point is that we believe that once we release a person from jail, they have free will concerning the choices they make, which isn't true. Of course no one is holding the proverbial pistol to their heads and forcing them to engage in illegal activity. However, we as a society make it near impossible for a person with a criminal record to find employment. Most human resource professionals will tell you that if that little box on the application is checked concerning a prior conviction, they toss that paper in the "Do Not Call" bin. So, with the legitimate channels for employment shut down, what are they left with? Onion rings my friend. Where is the free will? The choice to return to the deviant behavior is far too attractive while the choice to engage in acceptable activities is like finding a candy-coated unicorn. It's not happening. All I'm saying is that if we acknowledge the simple fact that life decisions are not as simple as choosing a side order for our burgers, then maybe our society as a whole can gain more empathy towards those whose choices are limited for one reason or another.

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