Sunday, March 23, 2008

an outlaw and a runaway.

"there's always sombody knows where you're at knows where and why. for the most part.

are you talkin about god?

no. i'm talkin about you.

she ate. well, she said you'd be in fix if you didn't know where you was at.

i don't know. would you?

i don't know.

suppose you was someplace that you didn't know where it was. the real thing you wouldn't know was where someplace else was. or how far it was. it wouldn't change nothin about where you was at.

she thought about that. i try not to think about stuff like that, she said.

you think when you get to california you'll kind of start over.

them's my intentions.

i think maybe that's the point. there's a road goin to california and there's one comin back. but the best way would be just to show up there.

show up there.


you mean and not know how you got there?


i don't know how you'd do that.

i don't either.

that's the point.

She looked at him. I guess I aint sure what the point is, she said.

the point is there aint no point.

no. I mean what you said. about knowing where you are.

he looked at her. after a while he said: it's not about knowin where you are. it's about thinking you got there without takin anything with you. your notions about starting over. or anybody's. you don't start over. that's what it's about. ever step you take is forever. you can't make it go away. none of it. you understand what i'm sayin?

i think so.

i know you dont but let me try it one more time. you think when you wake up in the mornin yesterday dont count. but yesterday is all that does count. what else is there? your life is made out of the days its made out of. nothin else. you might think you could run away and change your name and I don't know what all. start over. and then one morning you wake up and look up at the ceilin and guess who's layin there?

She nodded.

you understand what I'm sayin?

i understand that. i been there before."

-no country for old men

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