Monday, December 08, 2008

the undefined, part 2.

what is the downfall of things moving to the realm of the undefined? it creates chaos and disruption, where esteem and peace are merely cannon fodder on the front lines of a massacre of the human spirit. without definitions, people never define themselves. instead, the world creates their definition, that is subject to change without notice. and it does change, almost every minute of every hour of everyday. trying to build a house in a whirlpool. got you going in circles? this shit is more like a mobius strip. your never pretty, strong, man, happy, advanced, informed, social, woman, liberal, conservative, concious, rich enough. or maybe your cups runneth over with all of those things. the problem is that if you are relying on the world to let you know where you stand...

it's like being in tanzania with a map a of quebec, playing a game of 21, down by 22.

you already lost.

the world loves this confusion. they profit off of it.

don't know what happiness means? that's just because you never read the box of this 3,000 dollar 61- lcd television. or is it the new touchscreen camera mp3 player phone this month.

a woman? cop some wrinkle defining cream, stop eating and do just melts of the pounds. when the lack of food and salt shaker of soft white you just ran through starts making its magic on your mind, pop three zolofts and a half a vicodin. then read glamor. or is it elle. paste all them shits back to back so you never miss an update on some celebrity that you will never look like or sex secret that aint a secret.

you don't know what a daddy is? shit, that aint too hard. work all your for three skittles, never see your kids, your wife and fill the void with booze, hookers and a corvette. your son learning what it means to be a man from the men on tv. and your daughter doing the same.

and for all the worlds ever changing and slowly fading definitions, none of them actually define anything. no one ever is satisfied enough to move on along a true path that gives them something worthwhile to aspire towards, much less achieve. the people in your life, in this world whether they are cognizant of it or not, still need those definitions. it's essential for any semblance of success. they need you to be a father, even if you haven't figured it out. They need you to be decent and good, even though those words should be on the back of a milk carton, progressed for age.

they yearn for it just as you do, and this yearning will never fade, no matter how long the feeling goes unsatisfied. a lack of true definitions will lead to the acceptance of any definition no matter how shoddy and slipshod. changing and empty, given to them by a world that desire to neither know or love them, these definitions will render them mindless and numb, shells of a beautiful humanity that is no more. driven on by an innate desire, they will continue to search, but will search in vain.

you've seen the search. driven from their homes wednesday through sunday, mind bent on getting bent, falling in love for the night and giving up something that will never return. at the mall on one of the few days away from work, but back at work, shopping for hours for things that don't need, but treat as if they do. back home and filled with goods, but still unsatiated, they wonder why they still feel empty, but only until the next commericial spins its 30 second yarn. children jamming drugs in every available orifice, and when none that god gave will sufice, small ones will be created. gangs or death metal, they seek out solace even if it hurts, lose themselves in it hoping that home and all its monuemental dissapointments will be forgotten. and will never find them.

because the definitions they seek were supposed to come from us. it would have fed their souls and taught their minds. they would have been better for it and more importantly, with a true definitions, been able to show others what these words mean. that you can't buy it, acquire it...that you have to learn it. but somewhere along the line, we have to learn the definitions for ourselves.

1 comment:

PK said...

Sir, you are painting with some bleak colors there. No lighting, no special effects. With that said, it's the truth. Someone started somewhere, somehow...ironically enough, in an attempt to be increasingly progressive all that happens is that we stray further from the simplest (and usually most effective) "definition." People always trying to fix something that ain't broke. Go figure.