Wednesday, December 28, 2005
inner city blues, part one.
Everyone has a couple different personalities that reside inside of them. I have about 6 I think, but for today's purposes, I'll only discuss 2.
One is optimistic Mike. He likes to believe in the inherent goodness in people. In the system. In white people, government and the police. That somewhere, powerful people are tirelessly working to remedy the wrongs. All of them. He knows they care, but sometimes "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." But the intentions are noble, and as long as the intentions are noble, the actions are bound to conicide with them.
The other is pessimistic Mike. He likes to think of himself as the penultimate realist. Not negative, just realistic. He can't believe that people are at heart decent when they do such terrible things. White people have to be evil, because they enslaved another race of people. And to add insult to injury, established a system of oppression so detrimintal and inconspicous that they could retire the whips, chains, hoses, nooses, jim crow laws, miscegnation laws and granfather clauses and elect them to the hall of fame. We (black people) willing perpetuate our own distruction. The police are pigs and the streets are the sty where they do their dirt. Judges and other members of the justice system are the farmers that keep them fed and fat, sometimes sacrificing a couple when public opinion dicates it.
Optimistic Mike reads the newspaper and cheers when he reads about advances like Drug Courts. They are in existance to funnel non-violent drug offenders away from jail and into drug treatment programs. Treating addiction as a medical problem. Score one for the good guys trying to make a difference. Re-arrest rates for those in drug court down 50%. 700 people graduated from drug court since 1995 and only 11% have been convicted of new crimes. Optimistic Mike shows off that Tiger Woods fist pump. Hop on the 8, and head to work. Blue lights dots the horizon. Stadium lights illuminate the street corners. Pessimistic Mike doesn't have to say a word. A simple head shake speaks volumes.
(I told you so) is etched in his gaze.
700 people saved by the systems since '95. Those cameras will make up for the loss. 6 months tops. 72 months wipe out 11 years of sympathetic judges and remorseful defendants. How can trust the noble intentions of the justice system and their Drug Court when they assist in the placement of 178 electric eyes all over my fair city? 178 cameras= 2 million dollar Homeland Security grant+ 2.9 million dollars in confiscated drug money+ 20 million dollar grant from the U.S. Justice Department. All that cake. And how effective could they really be?
Take a trip with me, back to your childhood. Your in your room, mind set on no good. And right before you can commit the mischevious act, moms pops in. Thwarted, for now. But her presence didn't make you want to do dirt any less. Let's say, that your momma stayed there, and didn't leave. Once you got past the initial fear that moms was now a robot, you would go somewhere else where she couldn't see you. These lights and camera do not eliminate crime, just shuffle it into different areas where big brother isn't watching. (hood feng shui) And here is the essential problem with this type of surveilance (other than invasion of privacy): it's an all-or-nothing proposition. Put them up everywhere where a crime could be committed, or save your money. Watching crime instead of changing the situation that allows it to be one of a few viable options? To be continued.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
the lorax.

Thursday, December 01, 2005
"Cry the beloved country, for the unborn child that
is the inhertitor of our fear. Let him not love the earth too deeply. Let him
not laugh too gladly when the water runs through his fingers, nor stand too
silent when the setting sun makes red the veld with fire. Let him not be too
moved when the birds of his land are singing, nor give too much of his heart to
a mountain or a valley. For fear will rob him of all if he gives too
I have always heard that I was weird, and this is a claim that I no longer deny. But recently I am hearing the description weird being replaced with crazy. As in "Yo Mike, you're going crazy." or "You need to take medicine, you crazy bastard." I do not deny this claim either. So then I began to think about what is the cause of this impending insanity. I know why people think I'm going bannanas. The consensus is that I "over-think" life. I rather not go into my actions that lead people to beleive this, but if you know me, you have a pretty good idea. My peers have their ideas: my Gilman education, my father, my overall Singleton Heritage, the fact that I live in Baltimore, among others. They might be right. Last night I came up with the reason for my off-center mindset. I love too many. Too much. Too deeply.
People who have known me in recently years, or on a cursory basis may notice a bitterness, a seeming deep resentment for life in general. This is true. What has to be realized however is that love and hate go hand in hand. The capacity to hate is only achieved by those with the capacity to love. My resentment seems so strong because my love runs deeply. Gift and Curse alike. I hate this world as it stands because I love what it has the potential to be. I have heeded the warning of the above quote. I have refused to love anymore a people that seemed destined for demise. I have refused to love a land that is defiled. For I have a fear that these things will be taken away from me. A destroyed people, a barren land, a seemingly inevitable outcome. Bitterness removed the fear. I despised the world around me because that hate allowed detachment. I was no longer afraid because I now hated those things I once loved. Destroyed, defiled, debased, ruined, spoiled, it all could come to fruition, and it wouldn't matter to me. Or so I thought. The fact of the matter is that there is no way I can turn it off. I have to care for this world, because if I do not, who will? Not to look at it with resentment, but with understanding. I want to be better than I am, I want people to be better than they are, I want this world to be better than it is. I will cry out for this change. I began writing this to prove to myself, and to others that I was not insane. I do not think I was successful. Know this is my struggle, my joy and my hope, my depression and elation. But the fear is gone at least.
Your love is too thick,
Sethe.Love is or it isn't, Paul D.
Thin love ain't no love at all.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Angels with dirty faces.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
everyone should be a bit more like dev.
Monday, October 31, 2005
words from malawi.
thank you Candice.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
riding with michael thomas anderson.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hey momma. i know you act a fool...
Monday, October 10, 2005
good friends are hard to come by...
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
sdrow. (grab a mirror)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
return to innocence lost
Saturday, September 24, 2005
"just think...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
the devil's daughter
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
there she beautiful world.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
freedom isn't free
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
"nobody wants to be a junkie when they grow up" part deux
The main point is that we believe that once we release a person from jail, they have free will concerning the choices they make, which isn't true. Of course no one is holding the proverbial pistol to their heads and forcing them to engage in illegal activity. However, we as a society make it near impossible for a person with a criminal record to find employment. Most human resource professionals will tell you that if that little box on the application is checked concerning a prior conviction, they toss that paper in the "Do Not Call" bin. So, with the legitimate channels for employment shut down, what are they left with? Onion rings my friend. Where is the free will? The choice to return to the deviant behavior is far too attractive while the choice to engage in acceptable activities is like finding a candy-coated unicorn. It's not happening. All I'm saying is that if we acknowledge the simple fact that life decisions are not as simple as choosing a side order for our burgers, then maybe our society as a whole can gain more empathy towards those whose choices are limited for one reason or another.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
black is the color of my true love's hair
Sunday, September 11, 2005
reminisce over you.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Everyone is a punk...on the inside.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"no one says they want to be a junkie when they grow up"...and your right.

Options. Our visible world is predicated on this fantasy. American prides itself on this fantastical concept. It’s even infected our burger joints… “Have it your way”. Well, let me shed some light on this overrated and under scrutinized concept. It’s utter bullshit. I know my words seem a bit…caustic, but I have reason. Free will is based on the concept of choice, being able to choose between two “things”, either tangible or conceptual. The assumption is that both of these “things” are equally attainable. In other words, no matter which one is ultimately chosen, once the choice is made, the likelihood of acquiring it is the same. We make this assumption for good reason. We go to said burger joint, and they ask us “Onion rings or fries?” Simple enough question, and in turn, a simplistic response follows. There is little to no consequence in the choice, for the exception of the inevitable doubt of how the item not chosen would taste with that greasy burger. The only effort involved is saying your choice, and they are equally as easy to say, I mean onion rings is two words, as opposed to fries, which is one, but damn, no one cares. Now, let’s say if you chose fries, you would have to give up a finger in order to get them. Any finger of your choosing, but a digit nonetheless. The choice is still there, your free will seemingly intact. But let’s be honest. One choice is so damn unattractive; it might as well not even exist. You could give up the finger, and paw over your fries you 4 fingers and a fresh nub, but who would want to? It is no longer a feasible option. I’m over technicalities, so I don’t want to hear it. You have one choice: those onion rings. Now, this isn’t a problem per se, but it needs to be acknowledged. As long as we have this romanticized view of free will, we cannot see the situation for what it is, and interact with it realistically. My point: we often look at certain individuals in our society, the poor, drug-addicts, and state that they chose this life for themselves, so why help? And it's never that simple big homie.